Saturday, May 17, 2014

A month of breakfasts for $10

Our office is located somewhat off the beaten path.  The nearest place to find food is about 10 minutes away.  So we've been quite spoiled in recent years by a vendor who set up a cafeteria downstairs that was open from early morning through lunch.  In the morning, my coworkers would line up for lattes, hash browns and breakfast burritos.  At lunch for taco salad or other daily special.

Alas, the vendor has left, and we've yet to find a replacement.  Some of my coworkers are looking quite forlorn - and hungry.

I would occasionally indulge in a salad at lunch.  But I realized for what I spent on one salad, I could make an entire week of soups and freeze them.  So the salads had become an occasional treat, at most.  And I would indulge in a coffee once in awhile.  But I could never understand why people couldn't manage to eat breakfast at home.

I'm an oatmeal person.  I find it holds me through the morning better than anything else I can eat for breakfast.  Most mornings, I put a heaping 1/2 cup of regular oatmeal and a cup of water in a casserole, throw in some dried fruit and a little cinnamon, and microwave for 3 minutes.  (Be very careful to have the ratio of water to oatmeal at slightly less than 2:1.  If the water is more than twice the oatmeal, it's prone to overflow.)

I do like steel-cut oatmeal, but it takes more than 3 minutes to prepare.  So I save time by doing it on the weekend, and then freezing for the week in individual containers.  (My mom also has a great recipe to cook it part way the night before, then finish in the morning.  Will share that recipe another time.)

If you have a 3-quart pan and the corresponding double boiler insert (mine is "vintage" Revere Ware), I find this the easiest way to make it.  By buying the Bob's Red Mill Steel-cut Oats at Big Lots, the raisins and freezer containers at Dollar Tree, I spend about $10 for a month of breakfasts.  That's less than three trips through the drive through, or two at Starbucks.

Steel Cut Oatmeal and Raisins
1 1/2 cup steel-cut oatmeal
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
4 1/2 cups water

Put ingredients in double boiler insert in order listed.  Put larger pan on a burner with 2 inches of water and bring to boil.  Meanwhile, put lid on double-boiler pan and bring to boil over another burner.  Simmer, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes.  Carefully transfer double boiler pan (use hot pads) into main pan, cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and let cook for 30 minutes.

Let cool a bit, then transfer to containers (mine were form Dollar Tree and hold slightly more than 1 cup each).  Put lid on and let cool before freezing.  Makes 6-7 servings, 4-5 Weight Watchers Points Plus each.

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