Don't you love Facebook? Post a culinary SOS, and you have answers within hours. I love the responses to this one.
Me: I seem to have overbought the candy canes. Anyone have a good recipe to use them up?
Young friend at church: Cookies
Toastmaster friend who recently moved to Hawai'i (I'm not jealous, no): I just put them with the Christmas decorations for next year. I think they last forever!
Aussie friend, who I carpooled with when we worked in Monrovia CA, who now lives in Equatorial Guinea: Crush and sprinkle on vanilla ice cream...nah! Just put them away for next year.. as [Hawai'i friend] says, they are indestructible!
New Zealand friend, referring to another scrapping buddy: Tina had one on her blog recently [Here is link to Kris Kringle Cookies.]
Church friend: They are great in hot chocolate! Or in coffee too.
Work friend: Take them to [the office]!!
Church friend who works in children's ministry: kidz praize candy box.
Sister-in-law in L.A.: Peppermint bark. Buy white chocolate chips, crush canes, melt chips, mix together, yum!
So there we are, within five hours answers from literally all over the world.
Given the name of the blog is "Fast, frugal, fit," I think I'll go with the third idea, crush a SMALL amount of candycane for the top of my non-fat ice cream.
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