Each of our bio kids represents an appliance. After I returned to work in 1983 after maternity leave, we bought our first microwave oven. Our dishwasher gave out when our second son was born in 1986; with two young children, we replaced that baby right away. And then, in preparation for our third child's arrival in 1988, we bought our first chest freezer.
All three appliances are essentials in my book, but the freezer has a special place in our home (and I don't mean downstairs in the laundry room). It has allowed us to buy meat on sale, prepare meals (or at least parts of meal) to serve between work, picking up the kids at school, and going out again to a school or church function, and prepare meals ahead for holidays and parties.
My first freezer bible was "Once a Month Cooking" by Mary Beth Langerborg and Mimi Wilson. I'm still using the 1986 version, but it was updated and now available in paperback at Amazon. They give options for cooking an entire month of meals, or two weeks at a time. We found that, with leftovers and meals eaten out at church, family and other functions, they lasted twice as long. Eventually, I would do a modified version of the plan, doing only chicken or beef dishes. All of the recipes were delicious, but my favorite remains the Hearty Hamburger-Tomato Stew.
Last year we were introduced to Zacon Foods, an online company that makes quality bulk foods available to consumers on-line. After signing up, you receive notices of upcoming events. Next for me is the chance to buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts at $1.69 a pound. It's only available in 40-pound cases, so you have to plan ahead with a strategy for using it. A couple of young moms - Kate Anhl and Angela Davis - have put their ideas in a great booklet available online, "The Ultimate Guide to Freezer Friendly Meals: Chicken." Cost to download is $3.99, and it's well worth it if you're intimidated by what to do with a case of meat.
Finally, got this helpful guide from Paula Deen, one of my favorite food personalities but not one I associate with fast, frugal or fit! She has good, basic tips for using the freezer. (By the way, Bobby Dean has lightened up many of his mom's recipes. I can't wait to watch his new show, Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Food Network, "Not My Mama's Meals."
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